Tuesday, 7 July 2009

10 things you don't know about me!

Hello everyone! I have been tagged by the lovely Gratitude Gal from SITS. The aim is to list 10 things about myself that you probably wouldn't know! Then tag 10 more people to do the same.

So here is my list;
  1. I love eating pickled onions.
  2. Colin (my hubby) says I have Hobbit (Lord of the Rings) feet!
  3. I had Post Natal Depression after the birth of my son.
  4. I have felt very angry towards God.
  5. I don't pray nearly as much as I should.
  6. I am an awful singer, so much so that when I sing to my wee girl she quite often says, "no sing, no sing"!!!!!
  7. I truly feel that I don't deserve God's love and am honoured to be one of his children.
  8. I wish I were more able to speak freely about God to those who don't believe.
  9. I feel upset when I think of family who haven't been saved.
  10. I have lots of white hairs on my head (I am sure this is related to the kids).!
That was harder than I thought!

I will tag the others later.


  1. I love this! I too have more white hairs than I would prefer! Thanks for sharing a little of yourself!!

  2. #1 - YUCK!
    #6 Me too!

    Cute list.

  3. Hi Collette!! It's so nice to meet you! I'm so glad you stopped by my blog! I love meeting other bloggy ladies!

    Just keep praying for your unsaved family! They are the hardest to reach, but the Holy Spirit will equip you each time there is an opportunity to witness to them!!

    Have a blessed day!

  4. Thanks for the post! #5- we all need to do better at this huh. Have a great day. Traci

  5. At first I thought you said Post Nasal Depression, but then after you completed the sentence I realized I read it wrong, lol!

    Yeah, I have a few gray hairs and I have named them after my children...hehehe!

  6. I'm with you on a lot of those!

    Visiting you from SITS--hope you have a wonderful day. Love your blog!

  7. Hello fellow Sitster. This was an amazing list. I love how open and honest you were and that shows a lot about you. I am enjoying getting to know you better. Thank you for sharing this!


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