Thursday, 22 October 2009

Thankful Thursday!

Today I join Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey. The aim is to list 5 things which you are thankful to God for!

  • I am thankful to God that Emma feels much better. She has been ill but yesterday we even managed out for a walk.
  • Forgiveness - quite simply I feel I don't deserve it. Last night I had a very rough night getting Emma to bed and then she was up a lot during the night. I feel very drained and beaten. I got annoyed with Emma, despite my best efforts to remain calm. I am just so tired of this continual pattern of waking at night and wish someone could just fix it all. Thank you Lord that you forgive our sin. I do not deserve your mercy or gift of Grace. I do not like who I am when I am sinful and feel like a fraud. Today I am thankful for the love you show me and new mercies each day.
I am going to leave my post at that today. I am feeling a little sore from my night with Emma and am struggling today already!!


  1. Once again, Collette, I LOVE your Thursday posts! What a blessing you are to me each week!!! ((Hugs)) ~ Teri Lynne

  2. Thank you for being real! I, too am thankful GOD forgives my sin!
    Glad your precious Emma is feeling better.
    Blessings and prayers, andrea

  3. Collette, how old is Emma? My little Brennan has been having trouble with waking at night too, so I can totally understand your frustration.

  4. I understand your comment on forgiveness. *sigh* I feel the same way.

  5. I am thankful for having you as a cyber/blog friend. I have been reading your Thankful Thursdays for a while. This week God spoke to my heart when I opened your blog. He asked, Why aren't you doing this? So next Thursday I will join you in Thankful Thursday.

    What's going on with Emma? Hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. Collette,

    You are so sweet and precious. Jesus loves YOU! I can totally relate, I didn't rest well last night, and this morning, I'm in need of guarding my mouth and thoughts. Lord, please help, guide and direct. I'm thankful for Your love, grace and mercy. I'm thankful for women that can be honest and real.

    Love to you Miss Collette!!!

  7. I'm so sorry you had such a rough night. I will pray that you get some rest and things will get better. Take care!

  8. Many Blessings to you. I know there are days I am so thankful for nap time. I keep my 17 month old grandbaby. I can only imagine sleepless nights. Will pray for you and Emma.
    God please give this sweet little mama strength for this journey and please give her a chance for rest.
    Praying your day is Blessed,

  9. Collette,

    Praying for God's grace upon you tonight so you can get some much need rest!

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  10. To quote the song, "There's no other word for grace, but amazing!" God is so gracious to us. Even when we are at our worst, His grace is sufficient.
    Blessings ~ Lisa.

  11. I'm so sorry that you are struggling with bedtime. I know how hard it is to be tired. I will pray about that with you. It encourages me to see your thankful spirit.

  12. Amen , thank God that Emma is feeling better. I know you are feeling tired and beaten but God loves you and your daughter is okay..

    Love your blog. I will add your url to my blog list.


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