Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Is Jesus in my heart?

Last night something lovely happened in our family. I was putting Jacob to bed as normal. He has a children's Bible which he really enjoys having read to him. After we read a few stories he asked lots of questions, as he normally does!

He asked about Heaven and how we get there. So I explained about Jesus dying for our sins on the cross, rising again from the grave and how we can have the gift of eternal life in Heaven by asking God to forgive all the bad things we have done, the sin. He has been asking similar questions for months now but last night he said he wanted to pray to God to ask for this forgiveness.

He said; "Dear God, sorry for all the bad things I have done in my life". He then asked;"Is Jesus in my heart now?".

I suggested he went downstairs to tell his Dad and a friend visiting from Church. I thought, no way will he do this, but he wanted to and did so!

Colin and I are so surprised by this. He is 5 in 3 weeks time and quite young but I am confident he truly understands what he has done.

The only thing I am unsure of now is what next? Do I do anything differently? Should I expect him to be a perfectly behaved child now?? (lol). I just am not sure.

I am so thankful to God that he has been working in my son's life and obviously opening his heart to him. It really is amazing how accepting children are and capable of understanding things we think are too complex for them.

However, this is uncharted territory for Colin and I! We have never done this before! I am rejoicing in this event but am concerned I do things the right way.


  1. How awesome!! Yes, I do believe he understands!! Jesus said to let all the little children come to Him!!

    And don't worry about doing things the right way because we are human and will fall short...even to our own families. But, it's a great lesson to teach them that no matter how much we fail, God is there to help us, and He forgives us when we ask for it! My youngest, who is 5 1/2 already knows about the rapture!! Kids hearts are so open to the Gospel! It's amazing!!!

  2. That is soooo lovely!

    Little ones are so amazing.

    Love Bev

    SITS friend!

  3. Wow, this made me cry! What a beautiful moment and an amazing age to accept Christ! You and your husband have been doing a great job of teaching him about the Lord. I'm sure he will fall short at times as we all do but those times will be more teaching times for you and him. It will be wonderful. Congratulations on this special night!

  4. So sweet. Children understand so much more than we give them credit for.

    Tania (via SITS)

  5. This is a wonderful day my friend!!!! I am rejoicing with you. What a beautiful testimony to the life that you and your DH are living out before your children!!
    My DS was 5 as well he accepted Jesus...just enjoy this time. Jacob won't be perfect acting any more than we are, but he now has a home in Heaven someday..and that's all that matters!!
    BIG HUG!!!

  6. What a wonderful post! Thanks for splashing me today.

    Butterfly kisses from Costa Rica,
    Sarah Dawn

  7. Hallelujah! How precious! I love it!

    Expect him to be a child that won't act up now? Uhhh, just like us, right? Big smile.

    I am so happy for him!

    BTW ... I grabbed your button.


  8. Absolutely beautiful story. Praising God with you today!

  9. That is absolutely wonderful! There is no other feeling that quite compares!

    As for how he will behave now, I have noticed a slight difference with my son. Day to day he is about the same but what has changed is his "experiments". He would get these ideas (like using a seam ripper on the wall) for experiments, and they would almost always end badly. Now when these ideas pop in his head he "asks Jesus" if its a good idea. He is still a little boy and still gets in trouble but not as much.

  10. I love the childlike innocence that comes from children when they accept Jesus into their hearts. It's a perfect love and I can only imagine Jesus' smiling face as your son spoke to Him last night.

    I think you are doing the right thing, reading with your son, answering questions he asks and keeping the conversations with him and Jesus going every day.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  11. How precious. Jesus loves the little children and speaks to them. Children's honesty is so to be admired. Wonder how the world would be if that honesty always stayed with us? So happy for yall. What a sweet story. Thanks for sharing. P.S. Now I know what tea time is!


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